Comments on: Ruckingenur CE Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:17:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: WestonV Fri, 24 Sep 2010 12:20:21 +0000 I love these games. However after completing all the levels and looking at the script for the wee backup level, i have concluded that it is imposible to use the programmer to complete this level.

By: barryd Thu, 01 Jul 2010 15:41:20 +0000 I just learned about Ruckingenur a day or two ago. Now I’ve played and found they are really good stuff. Although it’s a pity there weren’t more of the CE levels, they are really good levels.
I was so inspired after playing through these I actually bothered to download and try the editor, but then I found it won’t work on 64-bit (at least I think that’s the problem).
(By the way, KOHCTPYKTOP and the Codex were really awesome too!)

By: hammy Tue, 15 Jun 2010 10:36:37 +0000 Just a little thing with the Ommisat – The description says “3 seconds, 70 degrees, chocolate powder” when what the actual required outcome is coffee. Coffee =/= chocolate! Just a little annoyance, but I made a guess since there is no reference to a third option in the circuit.

By: mark Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:33:39 +0000 MORE SPOILERS SERIOUSLY DON’T READ THEM

If you’re also stuck on the Fredtendo level, the trick is that the programmer is worthless, if you watch the serial the LJ09977 wants a 10-char password. You could put this in yourself with the serial input before you press program but there’s no way to know or guess it. Instead, you have to manually keep the LI0096X from ejecting the disk. If you put two meters on the two open pads next to the tray control IC LI0094, you can see that the voltages are 5 and 0 when the disk is accepted. If you use the bootleg disk it holds these for a second and then changes them to eject. Lock 5 and 0 on those pins and both disks should stay in but they won’t read….

Next, you have to trick the TOSH087 into reading the disk. If you put the normal disk in under normal conditions and watch the voltage on TRIGG and the output on SERIAL you should see TRIGG pulse and then a bunch of text run through SERIAL. If you pulse TRIGG with no disk, you’ll see serial say “READ ERROR.” However, you’ve just figured out how to keep the bootleg disk in. Force the tray to stay shut, and then pulse TRIGG. Mission complete.

By: mark Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:17:06 +0000 ekoparty II is a bit weird but it’s also sort of understandable when you think about it.


the DIP right under that header has 3 registers, CLKIDX, DATIDX, and OUTIDX. These correspond to the input-output pins, which can be set however you want, as is revealed by the datasheet. the top 3 pins on each side are generic IO and therefore can be used for anything. AFAIK, DATIDX only provides some sort of initialization; you can leave it set at 2, which means it’s accepting input from pin 2. Pulsing CLK makes the chip generate a new CRC32 and output it to whatever pin is set in OUTIDX. The idea here is to make the chip run through a bunch of the CRCs on its own so that it bruteforces the serial code. If you set both CLKIDX and OUTIDX to 6, the output of the chip causes it to generate and output a new CRC32. So, essentially, you need to apply 5.0 v to VCC, 5.0 to IO pin 2, set CLKIDX to 0x00000006, and pulse the serial output (pin 6) with your last meter. This will start the chip generating CRC32s, and will cause it to continue on its own.

By: Zach Sun, 04 Apr 2010 17:48:30 +0000 CyberKing: The game uses .NET so you very well might have to install Mono for it to work. How you do that is going to depend on what version of Linux you use. Try searching around on the internet?

By: CyberKing Sat, 03 Apr 2010 08:56:21 +0000 hey Zach, it STILL doesn’t work on wine, I just get a prompt to install mono, but I can’t work out how to do that. any suggestions?

By: Skrylar Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:20:12 +0000 I’m a little disappointed, to be honest. It seems like the “correct” solution to the last three of five puzzles is reliant on brute forcing the answer, where the first two puzzles and those of the original ruckingenurs felt like actual puzzles to be experimented with.

*also noticed that on the wee level, grounding or pulsing contacts doesn’t seem to cause weird behavior; it just ignores the fact you shorted a serial line*

By: Fandalf Sat, 16 Jan 2010 08:49:06 +0000 @miloss
My windows XP was updated (SP3 and some windows network utility?) and now it runs!
Its hard though…

By: Miloss Fri, 08 Jan 2010 07:14:35 +0000 @fandalf

Your .NET failed to find lua library..
Something similar happens to me when I try to run it on Linux.
