I coded this in 48 hours for the RPI GameJam competition, which ended today. It’s actually based on a board game that I’m working on and personally feel is far superior, but it’s worth checking out anyway – if anything, it’ll give you a good introduction to the wonderful board game that is to come.
(Edit: The game referenced is Infinitron.)
It’s a two player hot-seat (one computer) game that’s probably going to be confusing at first. However, there is an in-game help that should give you a few pointers to get you started. The basic gist is as follows: research units and then* build them* to capture cities to gain points (gained at the beginning of your turn) and increase your unit cap. Researching and building units costs points. When you capture a city, you can create and shape the terrain around the city, but only once. Begin your turn with one of your units on the enemy capital to win the game.
Download Intelligent Destruction
Why dont you try this to transform into an appstore application
(theres now an SDK)
Why can’t i move my units? I right click and move i press arrow key down and he does nothing, then i press all directions and then later i press left and it works, next turn it doesnt, whats happening???
Dont worry i got it
cancel wont work with 2nd player -.-
This game is really buggy.