Category Archives: normal entries

RSVP Abstract

What is Virtuality? I use the term virtuality to differentiate away from the term “virtual reality”, which implies a reality that is somehow fake and separate from “actual reality”. In all actuality, I envision a broader spectrum, with the goal of simply tweaking reality – meshing real, physical things with a virtual environment, or bringing […]

Jedi Trainer

Ever since I found out about the Wii, I wanted one. However, what interested me more than playing the games was making them. Lucky for me, the Wiimote is a fully capable Bluetooth HID device, which the folks at WiiLi have been able to pretty effectively figure out. I was able to actually find a […]

Infinifranchise Post-Mortem

The Backstory The Infinifranchise, starting with Infinitron, was born from a hastily invented game that I played on two occasions many years ago. I wanted to make a strategy game where all the units were created as we played, thus requiring only scraps of paper and a few pencils. If I recall correctly, I unexcitedly […]

Infinifrag, Version 0.1

If you’ve seen anything else from the Infinifranchise, it should be easy to see where Infinifrag fits in. A networked, multiplayer first person shooter, Infinifrag brings some of the trademark aspects of Infinitron and Infinarena to a whole new exciting level. Features include: Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag style gameplay Customizable “sprite-models”, sort of […]

Blacksmithing for Dummies

Searching for tools for a metal casting workshop I was to host, I found myself at Harbor Freight. In addition to finding the safety gear and 90-degree needle-nose pliers I needed, I stumbled upon a 55 pound anvil shaped object on sale for $30. After purchasing a 3 pound sledgehammer and digging a few pieces […]