Spah’s Sappin’ Mah Sentry!

My new office is pretty boring and empty, aside from the five computers and their accessories scattered around. Thinking about decorations, it occurred to me that I had just about all the parts I needed to build my very own Electro-Sapper from Team Fortress 2!

It didn’t occur to me until after I started that I didn’t have anything to make the case out of, so I ended up using some leftover foam-core from WWA!, acrylic paint, and crystal clear spray enamel. I was able to print out a new scale for the meter using my laser printer, but couldn’t seem to make it print out an “ELECTRO-SAPPER” label that didn’t look awful. I ended up stenciling the text and the white details on, but didn’t have much more luck with that. As it turned out, I was also out of the components I needed to make a small noise generator to twitch the meter, so I ended up soldering an old battery powered FM radio into the circuit, which does a pretty good job of making static noises and making the meter move.

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