Infiniminer v1.5 is now out, available here.
- There is now a server browser! To make your server public, MAKE SURE THAT PORT 5565 UDP IS ACCESSIBLE OUTSIDE YOUR NETWORK and then set the public flag in the server config to true. Junk servers WILL be blacklisted.
- Made kick command IP based, added a ban command with a banlist stored in banlist.txt.
- A random hint will display for your edutainment as you connect to a server.
- Fixed the beacon bug, where beacon info wasn’t sent to players joining later in the game.
- The red/blue colors for text are now easier to read.
- Added a sexy new title screen.
- Added a North mark on the radar screen.
- You can now connect to host names, in addition to using Ctrl-V to paste an IP/hostname into the direct connect field.
- You can now use the numpad!
- Fixed some random crashes.
- Gold veins are now bigger and thicker, but gold is only worth $100 per block.
- Miners now carry 8 loot, everyone else carries 4.
- All classes can dig by holding down the mouse button, but miners still dig much faster.
- TNT now blows up other blocks of TNT, regardless of who owns them.
- There is now a sandbox mode that can be enabled for the server, giving free blocks and no win condition.
- There is now a work-around for the AllocateFormatAndData, the nosound flag in the client config.
- Bloom lighting makes everything prettier! Lava textures are animated now too!
This is probably the last major update for Infiniminer.